Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Great Weekend for Fall Gardening

There is a greenhouse in my area called the Ellerslie Gift & Garden Centre. It's a wonderful establishment that is known not only for its great selection of perennials and trees, but its nostalgic gift shop and, more importantly to me, its offerings of orchids and carnivorous plants, the latter of which is unrivaled by any other garden centre in the city. I love to shop there for these things and also for their relatively inexpensive and high-quality orchid-growing supplies year-round. Every September Ellerslie throws an end-of-season celebration in which all perennials and trees are 50% off, and many other items are also on sale. As well, they serve free refreshments and boast live entertainment, and a number of organizations from the Edmonton area set up information booths and sales tables. This annual event is known as the "Ellerslie Fall Tea". Notable attendees this year included the Orchid Society of Alberta (of which of course I am a member), the Edmonton Horticultural Society (of which I am a former member), the Alberta Lily Society, the Edmonton Naturalization Group (with whom I am associated), the Alberta Bonsai Society, and the Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society (which doesn't seem relevant but oh well).

I was very fortunate to pick up some nice plants at this event, including some martagon lily bulbs from the Lily Society. I'll have some photos of this stuff soon. I was also able to get a substantial amount of work done in the yard this weekend - it's really coming along!