Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Iris sibirica

The original species of Siberian iris is in my opinion the most beautiful of that type. This beautiful plant was given to us many years ago by a friend of my grandma's who owns a botanical garden. I divided it a couple years ago; it is blooming profusely for the first time this year (it bloomed a LITTLE last year). The species forms attractive clumps that should be divided every 5 years or so to maintain vigour, and blooms in June with beautiful blue-violet flowers with silver and yellow marks. An established clump will produce 25 flowers or more. This one should make around 10-15 this year. This is my favorite iris species besides I. versicolor; I'm starting to really like I. setosa var. arctica, I. cristata, and I. reticulata. The species are way better than the hybrids, I think.

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