Monday, December 25, 2006

Phragmipedium kovachii Culture Notes

I attended Peter Croezen's presentation on this amazing plant last week and the following is what I learned.

Seedlings must have low light at 400-450 footcandles. Higher light will cause fatal leaf yellowing.

Use pure water (such as distilled, rain or RO). Keep moist but not soggy. They really like growing their roots into water; using PrimeAgra creates an environment that keeps the roots very moist but not too soggy.

Use a mineral-rich fertilizer at 200ppm every week. Calcium, magnesium and boron are important.

Keep a relatively constant temp. of 20C. Higher temps (above 24C) will cause fatal leaf yellowing.

As newly deflasked seedlings, pot into a small 2" container, in sphagnum moss, and keep moist. When a considerable rootball is developed, pot up, into PrimeAgra or bark.

I have ordered a Pk seedling from Mr. Croezen.

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