Sunday, May 04, 2008

Spring is Here - Finally...

...and I have been shopping! The bottom three photos show some of the plants I have bought so far, which are currently residing in the coldframe so they can be hardened off before I plant them. Pictured are Iris hookeri, Dicentra 'Candy Hearts', and a bunch of different plants in a group photo. Iris hookeri is sometimes regarded as a variety of the dwarf I. setosa. Dicentra 'Candy Hearts' is a great new variety that I almost like more than 'King of Hearts', my old favorite. In particular I bought a number of lilies, though they are not pictured.

The potted Cyps and Arisaema are outside now (at least during the day); pictured are Arisaema sikokianum (second photo) Cyp. parviflorum var. pubescens (third photo) and Cyp passerinum (top photo). The latter I just purchased a few days ago. It is in bud and I am very excited; these are difficlut to get.

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