Friday, August 25, 2006

Paphiopedilum Z4135 x charlesworthii

To be honest I have no idea what "Z4135" is but I suspect it's a clone of Maudiae, since this wonderful hybrid has mottled leaves (unlike charlesworthii). The flowers are also a deep purple-red throughout; charlesworthii has more of a tannish pouch and petals, and the petals are smaller (and the pouch is rounder). However the flower retains the veining and spectacular dorsal of charles. I spotted this hybrid in full bloom a couple weeks ago and it's still blooming at home! Charlesworthii is one of my fav paph species and this should hold me until I get one!

Phalaenopsis Maki Watanabe

This is my favorite Phal hybrid and the only Phal I actually own. The flowers are 4" across, making it one of the most showy phals. Phalaenopsis are considered the easiest orchid to grow and the best beginner's orchid; personally if you live in a temperate area I think Bletilla are the easiest orchids to grow. Phals though as far as tropical orchids go are the best first orchid, as long as you do not purchase one from a home store... these orchids are usually in rough shape and even if they aren't they are always potted in moss which makes them very easy to overwater and kill for the beginner. Get one from a reputable nursery.