Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Every Challenge Has a Reward

Paph bellatulum, pictured here, is one of the more challenging Paph species to grow. It is from subgenus Brachypetalum, which is well-known as a difficult group of plants. It's worth the effort though, to see such unique beauty. The whimsical spotted flowers of this plant droop over the edge of the pot or rest on the leaves, unlike most Paph flowers, which are borne on erect stems. The key to growing Brachys is good quality water, strong light, good air movement, and careful watering techniques as they are prone to crown rot. They should be potted in a coarser medium than most Paphs and should dry out a bit more between waterings. Some sources suggest calcium supplements as well, though I have yet to use one.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


This is Phrag Memoria Dick Clements, one of the earlier Phrag besseae hybrids and likely the first red hybrid. While I have never been a huge fan of the form or smallish size of the flower, it does have really nice color, and it is easy to grow.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Starting Early

Spring is definitely here where I live - it is 14 C outside and the snow is melting away! Soon early spring flowers will poke out of the ground, but inside seeds and bulbs I have started early are already poking through. This year I am expanding my vegetable garden, which will boast a full array of classic and ethnic veggies. I have also purchased a number of new and exciting spring bulbs, including lilies, columbine, trillium, dinnerplate dahlias and more. All of these plants are growing with a couple tropical orchids in my new coldframe, which is currently sitting in my bedroom until it warms up outside a bit more.
This coldframe is not reliable in night temperatures that are much under freezing, which will still exist for the next couple of weeks. I hope to get a good coldframe soon that might be a reliable storage space for plants in early spring! I simply couldn't pass this one up because it was so cheap, and the other one I have like it is failing.