Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A Walk in the Garden
Here we have Fritillaria meleagris (checkered fritillary or snake's head) in the meadow garden, Pulsatilla vulgaris (Pasque flower) in the rock garden, and Aquilegia jonesii (Jone's columbine) also in the r.g. The Aquilegia pic was taken a week ago. It's now finished flowering.
A Walk Around the Garden...
Here we have Lilium pumilum (coral lily) in the new sunny border, Epimedium x rubrum (red bishop's hat) in the woodland garden, Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose) in the shade border, Tulipa spp (hybrid tulip) in the meadow garden, and Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinth), also in the meadow garden.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Here are some photos of northern hemispheric temperate lady's slippers (Cypripediums). The first one is C. Ulla Silkens (flavum x reginae), which is in bud. The last one is C. acaule (pink lady's slipper), in flower. Both of these plants are in bud/flower a couple weeks early because they started into growth in a warm coldframe. The two in between are C. macranthos (from Siberia) and C. reginae (showy lady's slipper), in that order. The macranthos naturally starts into growth and flowers earlier than my other Cyps. It will flower in less than two weeks. The reginae is not supposed to start into growth until about 2 weks after other Cyps; this one was coldframe started. My other reginae are just peeking out of the soil. My C. pubescens are all starting to leaf out like the reginae shown here.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Cyps are starting to grow actively outside now. My new acaule is flowering; the new Gisela and pubescens are finished flowering. The other pubescens are starting to leaf out and the new reginae is leafing out. The other two reginae are just peeking up. The new Ulla Silkens (acquired this weekend) is in bud. The macranthos is forming a flower bud as it finishes leafing out.
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