Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Need For Cutting Back

Of late I've been finding it increasingly difficult to manage my large collection of tropical orchids in the VERY small area that I have. As such, I am going to be selling off the majority of my tropical orchid collection at OSA meetings. I will be keeping 15 or so of my favorite (and rarest) plants, all of which are compact enough to grow in front of my windowsill. I had been planning to create a larger growing space in the basement, but have found that my unfinished, crawlspace basement is just not going to work out. I'm going to keep the large "plant cart" I've been using for most of my plants for future use, as I plan to eventually go back to a large collection when I move out of my parents' house. I guess it'll go into storage or something (disassembled)... I'm not totally sure yet.

I am going to focus now on hardy orchids (Cypripediums in particular), for which I have almost unlimited space in the garden outside. It's a shame, but I think my hobby will be a lot less tiresome in the long run. I had been hauling 75 plants across the house to the bathtub to water 3 or 4 times a week... now with only a few plants, it won't be hard to take them to the sink and water them. Plus, my plants won't control the house anymore! Of course I will continue to post photos and information on this blog. I am still working on some projects and even have some plants (that I'm keeping) in sheath right now.

I can't wait until Cyp season in May-June. I will get a little taste of the Cyps later this month, for a Cyp reginae albolabium seedling will be coming out of vernalization. This is obviously extremely early for it do be doing this; it's in a bit of a distorted cycle right now. In the next season I will try to get it on track. Then, in Februrary is the OSA show, where I'm hoping to add some Cyps to the collection. The excitement is difficult to bear!