Friday, November 02, 2007

Phragmipedium Hanne Popow 'Strawberry Shortcake'

This plant has a bit of a story behind it. When I originally bought this plant last fall, I thought it was a Saint Ouen because of the way the tag was printed, "Phrag besseae x / Hanne Popow". If you look back closer to the front of the blog you'll see a post with a photo of its first flowering when it was purchased. The second blooming is a bit better (on 2 spikes and with better color and form); I've posted photos around the Net and took it to a society meeting where it won best Phrag at the show table (by default though). A member of the Slippertalk forum, who works for Ecuagenera (where I bought the plant) says that it has to be a Hanne Popow because they don't have a permit to export Saint Ouen. he says the tag must have been cut off where it should read "besseae x schlimii / Hanne Popow". Now that I have the ID straight, I've given it a clonal name too. This plant has been in bloom for about a month now and continues to produce buds. I've had even better color in its newer blooms so there may be more photos in the future.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

An Updated List of My Orchid Collection

I haven't found a lot of time lately to update this blog, but I'd like to start posting at least once a week from now on. I have some news and photos to add to the blog, and I'd like to start with a fully updated, alphabetical list of all my orchid plants. Last month I lost a couple to frost damage, but I've also gained some with a little shopping spree. I'm taking a hiatus on orchid buying for the forseeable future however while I pay off my flute, so the list should stay this way for some time:

Legend of Size Symbols
SDL - seedling; 24 months or less old
NBS - near blooming size; 24-48 months old
BS - blooming size; usually over 48 months old though they can be as young as 36 mos.
Specimen - mature plant with 5 or more growths

Aerangis citrata (BS)
Bletilla albostriata (BS)
Blet. striata (BS)
Blet. striata v. album (BS)
Coelogyne tomentosa (Specimen)
Cymbidium NOID (BS)
Cyp. Emil (BS)
Cyp. Gisela (BS)
Cyp. macranthos (BS)
Cyp. Michael (BS)
Cyp. parviflorum v. makasin x2 (Both BS)
Cyp. parviflorum v. pubescens x5 (3 BS, 2 Specimen)
Cyp. reginae x3 (2 BS, 1 NBS)
Cyp. Ulla Silkens x2 (Both BS)
Cyp. x alaskanum (NBS)
Dactylorhiza purpurella (BS)
Dendrobium kingianum (BS)
Dendrobium NOID (SDL)
Dendrobium Oriental Smile 'Fantasy' AD/AOS (BS)
Miltoniopsis Newton Falls 'Waterfall' (BS)
Neofinetia falcata (yellow form) (NBS)
Odontoglossum Violetta von Holm 'Dominique' (BS)
Odontonia Memoria Martin Orenstein 'Lulu' HCC/AOS (BS)
Oncidium Twinkle 'Red Fantasy' (Specimen)
Paph (Claire de Lune x philippinense v. alba) (BS)
Paph (Dragon Flag x Patsey Boersma) (BS)
Paph (Ho Chi Minh x vietnamense 'Dark') (BS)
Paph (Joyce Hasegawa x victoria--regina) (BS)
Paph (micranthum x jackii) (BS)
Paph (Ruby Peacock x Hampshire Raven) (BS)
Paph (S. Gratrix x bellatulum) x micranthum (BS)
Paph (sanderianum 'Henry' x gigantifolium 'Dark Warrior') (SDL)
Paph (topperi 'Jamboree' HCC/AOS x gigantifolium 'Dark Warrior') (SDL)
Paph (Valerie Tonkin x Maudiae) (BS)
Paph (Winston Churchill 'Indomitable' FCC/AOS x gratrixianum) (BS)
Paph (Yerba Buena x Golden Days) x spicerianum (BS)
Paph (Z4135 x charlesworthii) (BS)
Paph Al Hill (BS)
Paph armeniacum (BS)
Paph Avalon Mist (BS)
Paph bellatulum (BS)
Paph delenatii x3 (2 BS, 1 SDL)
Paph Deperle 'Album' (BS)
Paph Envy Green (BS)
Paph Fanaticum (BS)
Paph Ho Chi Minh (BS)
Paph In-Charm Handel (SDL)
Paph insigne x2 (Both BS)
Paph Joyce Hasegawa (BS)
Paph Lady Booth (BS)
Paph Lynleigh Koopowitz (BS)
Paph Magic Lantern (BS)
Paph Michael Koopowitz (SDL)
Paph micranthum v. eburneum (NBS)
Paph micranthum x3 (All SDL)
Paph Norito Hasegawa (BS)
Paph Pinocchio (BS)
Paph Primcolor (BS)
Paph spicerianum x3 (All SDL)
Paph wilhelminiae (BS)
Paph Wossner Armenijack (BS)
Paph Wossner Butterfly (BS)
Paph. malipoense x4 (1 BS, 3 SDL)
Phal. (Taisuco Kochidan x Yukimai) x self (BS)
Phal. Maki Watanabe (BS)
Phal. Orchid World (BS)
Phrag besseae (BS)
Phrag Eric Young (BS)
Phrag Grande (BS)
Phrag Hanne Popow 'Strawberry Shortcake' (BS)
Phrag Memoria Garren Weaver (BS)
Phrag pearcei (BS)
Phrag schlimii (BS)
Phrag schlimii 'Wilcox' AM/AOS (BS)
Phrag Sedenii 'Blush' (BS)
Promenaea Florafest Cheetah (BS)
Sarcochilus NOID (BS)

This makes a total of 94 orchid plants.