Thursday, October 19, 2006

OS Meeting (Oct) Pic 3: Phrag. longifolium

Last month I had the pleasure of viewing a fantstic specimen of longifolium var. gracile; this time around I spotted a 4' longifolium! These flowers were about 6" across (at least). It had 2 spikes open at once.

This will be my last October meeting pic until I discover the names of my other pics.

OS Meeting (Oct) Pic 2: Paph. spicerianum

This was an amazing specimen of this difficult species. It had some 8 flowers open!

OS Meeting (Oct) Pic 1: Paph. (chamberlainianum x Pinocchio) x delenatii

A beautiful Parvisepalum influence hybrid. Another member of the Society purchased this plant in bud at the September meeting and displayed it in bloom at this past one. I like these delenatii x Cochlopetalum hybrids which are usually multifloral.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Orchid List As of 10/15/06


reginae 1
reginae 2
Ulla Silkens
pubescens 1
pubescens 2
pubescens 3
pubescens 4


Ho Chi Minh
(Joyce Hasegawa x chamberlainianum)
(Claire de Lune x philippinense alba)
(Z4135 x charlesworthii)
(Carticle x Hsinying Maru)
(Ruby Peacock x Hampshire Raven)
(Valerie Tonkin x Maudiae)
[(Yerba Buena x Golden Days) x spicerianum]


besseae ('Fire Engine' x 'First Choice')
schlimii 'Abdel'
Hanne Popow

Odontoglossum/Oncidium Alliance

Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl'
Odontonia Memoria Martin Orenstein 'Lulu' HCC/AOS
Odontoglossum Violetta von Holm 'Dominique'


Den. kingianum
Unknown seedling

Plants for Sale

DISCLAIMER: This is not an advertisment in any way.

I have a sort of "mini business" at home in which I sell some garden divisions and seed-raised plants of perennials in the spring and fall at my horticultural society's meetings. I am planning to expand my inventory to include orchids in the near future. Currently I am preparing a limited selection of Dendrobium kingianum keikis, and a blooming size Paphiopedilum insigne division. I am also planning some BS Odontocidium Tiger Crow 'Golden Girl' divisions, as well as Cypripedium pubescens BS divisions for sale within the next 14 months or so. All of these will be sold at OS meetings, with the exception of Cyp. pubescens, to be sold at HS meetings.

OS Meeting October Haul

Today was the October OS meeting. I came home with some amazing and hard-to-find plants on my most wanted list. I also captured some great slipper orchid pics at the show, which I'll post in the near future. Today I acquired:

Paph Ho Chi Minh (delenatii x vietnamense)
Paph delenatii
Phrag Hanne Popow (besseae x schlimii)
Phrag schlimii
Dendrobium seedling (unknown speces/cultivar)
Cypripedium reginae (my second one)
Cyp. macranthos

Paph Ho Chi Minh is a fantastic new hybrid between the famous P. delenatii and the recently discovered P. vietnamense. The huge flowers look like delenatii but have a darker lip. It retains the fragrance and compact habit of both its parents, and has caused a sensation. Mass-produced in the US, it's not easy to get one in Canada, but I got lucky. A bloom-sized seedling for $30.

Paph delenatii is the most well-known Paph species and respresents its group well. It has always been up there on my list. Large pink lip with white tepals (sepals and petals). Beautiful mottled leaves. Bloom-sized mature plant for $35.

Phrag Hanne Popow is a very popular hybrid beween the two most colorful Phrag species. Because both its parents are miniatures, it's a compact plant. It has the shape of besseae with the color of schlimii (light rosy-pink with yellow staminode). A sequential bloomer, it produces up to 10 flowers on a spike. A blooming plant for $25.

Phrag schlimii is a collector's item. It's hard to find and worthwhile, for its delightful rosy-pink flowers with a yellow staminode. Its round shape is reminiscent of our native Cyps. What's more, is it's a full miniature, less than half the size of a caudatum-group Phrag or a (caudatum x besseae) type hybrid. For the most part it grows the same as besseae but likes a fairly coarse medium for Phrags. An in-spike plant for $20 (though fairly small).

Cyp reginae is my favorite Cyp, with its large fuschia lip and white tepals. It forms large, bushy clumps over time. An awesome garden plant. Bloom-sized plants usually are expensive, but my big BS divison (4 growths) was only $25.

Cyp macranthos is a must-have Cyp. An Asian species with large red or pink flowers. Its compact habit makes it great for front-border or rock gardens. Large BS divison (5 growths) for $25.