Spring is definitely here where I live - it is 14 C outside and the snow is melting away! Soon early spring flowers will poke out of the ground, but inside seeds and bulbs I have started early are already poking through. This year I am expanding my vegetable garden, which will boast a full array of classic and ethnic veggies. I have also purchased a number of new and exciting spring bulbs, including lilies, columbine, trillium, dinnerplate dahlias and more. All of these plants are growing with a couple tropical orchids in my new coldframe, which is currently sitting in my bedroom until it warms up outside a bit more.
This coldframe is not reliable in night temperatures that are much under freezing, which will still exist for the next couple of weeks. I hope to get a good coldframe soon that might be a reliable storage space for plants in early spring! I simply couldn't pass this one up because it was so cheap, and the other one I have like it is failing.
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