Sunday, June 03, 2007


Phrag Memoria Garren Weaver. These are all outside for the summer.
Paph. Deperle.
Paph. Avalon Mist. Couldn't quite get a satisfactory photo.

I also have a few in bud: Paph Wossner Armenijack, Paph Joyce Hasegawa x chamberlainianum, and Phal Maki Watanabe. I haven't moved those outside yet, because I'm afraid the buds will drop. Once the flowers open they will be moved.


Blondie said...

These are beautiful. Do they have any problems outside--like in a giant rainstorm? Or perhaps where you live the rainstorms aren't so bad as they are in Chicago... Do you leave them in their pots and just put them outside?

Joe Gadbois said...


I live in the Canadian prairies, where it probably is drier in the summer than Chicago but we do get some pretty heavy rain. The only problem I sometimes get is scorching on the leaves on my Phrags... I've found they have to be grown in pretty heavy shade to avoid this. I simply place the pots under a tree. I like doing this because it is easier to water and fertilize them outside, and they get natural humidity and air movement.

Blondie said...

Thank you for responding. I went through and looked at your entire archives. Your flowers are amazing. Such great eye candy!!