As I believe I mentioned in a previous post, last month I pollinated some of my orchid flowers in preparation for an in-vitro seed propagation project. These are now forming capsules. From top to bottom: Dendrobium Thai Jeng x compactum; Doritis pulcherrima var chumpornensis; and Phalaenopsis Baldan's Kaleidoscope. These are all selfings as I had nothing from like genera to cross (although I realzied when it was too late that I could have crossed the Doritis with the Phal, which would have been interesting...). I would really like to cross some slippers in the future and I plan to do so as more flowers open. I already have relatively detailed plans in place for a propagation project of my Cypripediums in the spring, centred around my new propagation bed of Cyp. parviflorum var pubescens. I will posting about all of these projects as they develop.
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