Friday, September 04, 2009


What a summer! I worked full-time this summer at a local nursery. I was so busy between work and all of my interests, that I did not get the time to make a single blog post! Now that summer has come and gone and school's back in, my focus is changing yet again. I finally have some time to post an update to this blog. For this post, I have included some photos of plants that bloomed for me over the summer (mainly Cypripediums). Soon I will post some current carnivorous plant photos as well.

As usual, it was a long summer without orchids! My orchid society takes a break in July and August, so I always have to wait TWO MONTHS before I can get my next orchid fix after June. The next meeting is coming up, and I couldn't be more excited. I shouldn't say, however, that my summer was completely without orchids. Of course, although the majority of my tropical orchids are typically out of season during the summer, the Cypripediums bloom in June out in the garden. Their season is short but sweet. The photos are, from top to bottom: Cyp montanum, Cyp Ulla Silkens (flavum x reginae), Cyp Emil (parviflorum x calceolus), Cyp parviflorum var. pubescens, and Cyp Gisela (parviflorum x macranthos).

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